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Advent Food Drive: November 27 - December 14
Published on Nov 24, 2017 16:49

Dear St. Mary Families,

This year we wish to continue to foster the link between our school and church communities by supporting the St. Mary’s Knights of Columbus Advent Food Drive.  For the past seven years, we have worked together to fill hampers for those who are in need in our own community.  Please contribute what you can to make this year as successful as in the past.  

Please keep the following calendar handy (perhaps on your fridge!).  We are suggesting one type of food item each day, but any items are welcome any day!  Also, there may be items to donate that are not mentioned in the daily list.  All donations are appreciated.

Mrs. Webster’s grade two/three class will be promoting the food drive through posters and daily announcements.  Donations will be accepted beginning November 27th until December 14th. Thank you for helping us to support families in our community! Advent Food Drive Calendar