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Dismissal Procedures September 18, 2018 - Bear Sighting on Silverwood Drive
Published on Sep 18, 2018 22:10

Dear Saint Mary Families:

This message is to notify you that a bear was sighted in the Leon's Parking lot on Silverwood Drive approximately 15 minutes prior to our dismissal today.
  The OPP was notified.  An announcement was made to inform all staff and students prior to the 3:05 pm dismissal bell.  Staff responded in a professional manner by ensuring that students' were safely dismissed to their busses.  Students who walk home were directed to the office and parents/guardians were notified ensuring student safety of all.

Staff will continue to monitor and be vigilant in the schoolyard.
 It is advisable to have a follow-up conversation at home with your child.  Information on how to prevent bear encounters is available at the following website:

Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions or concerns.

Yours in Christ,

Mrs. Heeneman 